This is how it all started…
My name is Mama Leeza, a monicker given to me when I served with the Peace Corps in Madagascar. I joined the Peace Corps when I was 60 years old. When I left the u.s. in 2017 and moved to Madagascar, I was actually Blaxiting, leaving the u.s. forever, returning only for brief visits with my two grown kids, and my two younger brothers, all of whom live in San Francisco’s East Bay. I was eager to explore the rest of the world, and when my Social Security retirement benefits kicked in while I was still serving Peace Corps (62 years old), I was able to start planning the next few months/years of my life using only my Social Security as the budget.
That’s how it started, and since then, I’ve started exploring the world, on a tight budget, meeting some amazing people, and loving this nomadic life I’m living.

Lisa B. Lee
World Traveler
aka Malagasy Lisa, and Mama Leeza